Haha, hi there! This is the creator and huge iCarly fan here, lettin' you all know a little bit about me.
Name: The Bagel Dude (I'm not sayin' my real name!)
Gender: Male
Reason Behind Name: I love the Bagel Dude! I call him Bagel Dude, don't know what his official title is, but my name just stuck, lol.
Character: Spencer.
Minor Character: The Bagel Dude!
Episodes: iFight Shelby Marx, iWant My Website Back, iDream of Dance, iHeart Art, iGo To Japan, and iKiss.
Quotes: "Wanna Buy A Bagel?" "Don't be a jerk, buy a bagel!" "Scared to take a walk on the pickle side of town?" "Mexican Sponges!"
Pairing: Oh come on, the best ever...Seddie!
So yeah, that's me! The purple postin', Bagel Dude favorin' admin! Lol.